In the story of life, are you writing with purpose or merely filling space?



So, there I was, minding my own beeswax, when this dude comes up to me, right? He's got this vibe like he just stepped out of a GQ photoshoot or something, asking if he can do this quick interview with me for a magazine.

The Moor

It’s been a bad idea right from the start. Yet, here we are, seated amidst the grandeur of a Chinese restaurant, its lavishness strikingly out of place against the barren scenery that surrounds us. We’re at the nexus of two vital highways, arteries that weave through the Highlands, threading north to south, west to east.”

Cakes & Ladders

”An intoxicating fragrance wafted through the air in a space that seemed to have escaped from a Jeff Koons fever dream. A matinee where balloons not only hovered but paraded around with a pretentious swagger, or, if you will, a holiday confectionery, helmed by Santa himself, but only after he'd taken a detour through Psychedelic Wonderland."

Some Of My Friends Just Like To Hang Around

”I have no idea what has gotten into me. But now I find myself ensconced in a setting that could very well double as the backdrop for a quirky indie film."

Into The Vortex

”I'm Eli, just your run-of-the-mill guy with a job that pays the bills and a life that, from the outside, looks pretty much like anyone else's. I've been married to Clara for twelve years now. She's a scientist, always got her head buried in research, and me, well, I'm not."

The Last Picture

”Please call me Lou! Everyone on the faculty does. Simply Lou. Sorry to make you walk a bit, but I think it's best to talk about Duncan and the... events in the very classroom he's taught."

Let's Pretend This Never Happened

”Oh no, let's not confuse roles here. Just because I'm the guy delivering pizzas, zooming from door to door with my funny looking moped, doesn't suddenly elevate me to the rank of pizzaiolo."